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"Remember My Song in the Night" 21/5 Streams in the Desert - Wong Wai Tung
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2021-05-20 - 301觀看次數

Streams in the Desert May 21
Remember My Song in the Night / Malcolm J. McLeod
 "I call to remembrance my song in the night" (Psalm 77:6).


Today Scripture:

Psalm 77:1-12
For the director of music. For Jeduthun. Of Asaph. A psalm.
1 I cried out to God for help; I cried out to God to hear me.
2 When I was in distress, I sought the Lord; at night I stretched out untiring hands, and I would not be comforted.
3 I remembered you, God, and I groaned; I meditated, and my spirit grew faint.
4 You kept my eyes from closing; I was too troubled to speak.
5 I thought about the former days, the years of long ago;
6 I remembered my songs in the night. My heart meditated and my spirit asked:
7 “Will the Lord reject forever? Will he never show his favor again?
8 Has his unfailing love vanished forever? Has his promise failed for all time?
9 Has God forgotten to be merciful? Has he in anger withheld his compassion?”
10 Then I thought, “To this I will appeal: the years when the Most High stretched out his right hand.
11 I will remember the deeds of the LORD; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago.
12 I will consider all your works and meditate on all your mighty deeds.”

  I have read somewhere of a little bird that will never sing the melody his master wishes while his cage is full of light. He learns a snatch of this, a bar of that, but never an entire song of its own until the cage is covered and the morning beams shut out.


  A good many people never learn to sing until the darkling shadows fall. The fabled nightingale carols with his breast against a thorn. It was in the night that the song of the angels was heard. It was at midnight that the cry came, "Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him."


  Indeed it is extremely doubtful if a soul can really know the love of God in its richness and in its comforting, satisfying completeness until the skies are black and lowering.


  Light comes out of darkness, morning out of the womb of the night.


  James Creelman, in one of his letters, describes his trip through the Balkan States in search of Natalie, the exiled Queen of Serbia.


  "In that memorable journey," he says, "I learned for the first time that the world's supply of attar of roses comes from the Balkan Mountains. And the thing that interested me most," he goes on, "is that the roses must be gathered in the darkest hours. The pickers start out at one o'clock and finish picking them at two.


  "At first it seemed to me a relic of superstition; but I investigated the picturesque mystery, and learned that actual scientific tests had proven that fully forty per cent of the fragrance of roses disappeared in the light of day."


  And in human life and human culture that is not a playful, fanciful conceit; it is a real veritable fact. -Malcolm J. McLeod    


Today’s Hymns:
Footprints in the Sand

Thank you Lord (for the trials that come my way)


Scripture to Respond:
Job 35:9-10
9 “People cry out under a load of oppression; they plead for relief from the arm of the powerful.
10 But no one says, ‘Where is God my Maker, who gives songs in the night,
Micah 7:7-8
7 But as for me, I watch in hope for the LORD, I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me.
8 Do not gloat over me, my enemy! Though I have fallen, I will rise.Though I sit in darkness, the LORD will be my light.

A starry sky can never be seen unless the night is extremely dark. Similarly, one will never experience the sufficient grace of the Lord unless he is in extremely difficult circumstances.
The alternation of day and night is a law of nature for the growth of all creations. If a Christian were to develop unfaltering faith, he has to face the test of adversity.
Will you stop sighing in the night and in adversities? Are you willing to rely on God to give you power to sing songs of praise even when the night is long?


Dear Lord, may you remember my affliction and strengthen my soul with your word! Thank you, Lord, for I can experience your presence and guidance by your gracious hand under all circumstances. Your goodness has become my fortress and song.

Wong Wai Tung
(Chief executive officer of The Great Wall Education Foundation) &
Sam Chow
(Administrative officer of The Great Wall Education Foundation)
Reflection and Prayer translated by Jenny Hung


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