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A Martyr at the Turn of the Century(Writer:Xiao Ruozhi,a Christian in China)
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2016-06-25 - 363觀看次數

In first century Jerusalem, Stephen was martyred for the Lord. He became the first martyr of the New Testament era. Acts records:
....But Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. "Look," he said, "I see heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God." At this they covered their ears and, yelling at the top of their voices, they all rushed at him, dragged him out of the city and began to stone him. Meanwhile, the witnesses laid their clothes at the feet of a young man named Saul. While they were stoning him, Stephen prayed, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit." Then he fell on his knees and cried out, "Lord, do not hold this sin against them." When he had said this, he fell asleep (See Acts 6:8-8:3).A blood-strewn pathway extends from Jerusalem.... 

October 16, 2000, Xiayi County, Henan Province, China. A young Christian by the name of Liu Haitao, age twenty-one, is martyred for the Lord.


For three days since October 16, the casket had been sitting on the side of an asphalt country road. Passersby formed their opinions. Some shed tears of sympathy while others decried the darkness of the times-how a man who had become a believer and had done good things could end up being persecuted to death. Tears of sorrow streamed down his family's cheeks.



Liu Haitao was born on June 24, 1979 (Lunar Calendar) in Liufanglou Village of Xiayi County, Henan Province, and graduated from middle school in 1996. Since his childhood, Haitao learned how to pray from his mother who frequently knelt in prayer with him. In the spring of 1999, Haitao repented of his sins and received Jesus Christ as his Savior. After his spiritual regeneration, Haitao drew close to the Lord and grew spiritually in life, knowledge, and spiritual gifts. He was eager to learn spiritual knowledge from the Word of God and was especially diligent in studying the Bible. What touched others most was Haitao's desire to dedicate himself to the ministry. In a private journal, he wrote, "The Lord in His infinite love has saved me and given me eternal life and adoption as His son. I cannot receive His grace in vain. My spirit mourns for the over ninety percent of my countrymen who do not know Christ. If the Lord wants to use me, I am willing to dedicate my youth to mission work, and serve Him with my whole life."

On September 4, 2000, while attending a training meeting in Qinyang City, Haitao was arrested along with twenty-seven other Christians and put in the local jail. There, they encouraged each other to endure the hardships of prison. Despite the hard life in jail, Haitao was spurred on by God's love and he manifested His love to others. He frequently encouraged others by quoting from God's Word. He would say, "We must look up to our Lord, the author and finisher of our faith," and, "Persevere to the end and experience our Lord." He prayed for others and shared what little food he had with fellow inmates. Many believers in jail were deeply touched by Haitao's love for God and his sacrificial deeds for others.


On September 27, 2000, after having spent twenty-three days in jail, the Qinyang City police notified the Christians that each of them would be returned to the jurisdiction of their respective hometown police stations. Furthermore, the Qinyang police announced that release orders had been prepared for each Christian and that the police stations of their hometowns were to release them immediately upon receiving the orders. When Haitao and another Christian brother returned to Xiayi County, not only were they not released, they were charged with "sabotaging the institution and practice of federal law by participating in a cult." They were re-arrested by the Xiayi police and jailed.


Now the church to which Haitao belonged holds to a pure Christian faith. Their fundamental doctrine consists of the following:
All sixty-six books of the Bible are inspired by God and inerrant.There is only one God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Word who became flesh and came into this world. He was tempted as a man but was without sin.Christ willingly died on the cross for our sins, shedding His precious blood to redeem believers from sin and death.Christ rose from the dead, ascended to heaven, and sits at the right hand of God.Christ gives the Holy Spirit to those who believe in Him.Christ will return and judge the world.


Haitao's church does not believe that the apostolic age with signs, wonders and gifts of the Holy Spirit has ended. They do not forbid speaking in tongues, nor do they force others to speak in tongues. Speaking in tongues is not considered proof of salvation. In addition to gathering for Sunday worship, the church also celebrates Christmas and Easter, observes Communion and Baptism, and teaches believers to meet peacefully and live a devout life of loving country, church, and neighbor. They have never threatened to undermine the implementation of federal law, nor harm the environment, nor education, nor the health of the people. On the contrary, they have prayed for the sick and many have recovered from their illnesses.


On September 28, the Xiayi police notified Haitao's family that he could be released in return for 5,000 yuan (US$604). His parents were unable to afford this sum of money and Haitao remained in jail. The father of another Christian went to visit his son at the jail, but was interrogated by the police and beaten to the point of spitting up blood. Being just a civilian, he could not lodge a formal complaint. After all, such complaints would often lead to more trouble for them down the road. Prison days were difficult for Haitao. Not only was prison life harsh by itself, but also he was mocked and beaten by inmates and frequently interrogated and tortured by prison personnel. As a result, Haitao's kidney disease, which had been in remission up to that point, recurred. He blacked out several times in a five to six day period. He asked for treatment many times but was ignored. His condition was so bad that even fellow inmates were concerned to the point of reporting to the police that Liu Haitao's condition was critical and needed immediate attention. Yet the authorities' response was, "He's OK. He won't die. He is just living a life in paradise......" It was not until Haitao was near death, and upon the        adamant insistence of inmates, that the police finally notified the family.

In the afternoon of October 14, 2000, Haitao's father rushed to Xiayi County jail only to see his son in critical condition. He pleaded with the authorities to allow Haitao to be hospitalized. Instead, the official response was, "The rule is no one may be allowed out of the jail at night. If you have money, give it to the jail doctor and he will decide how to treat the patient." The father handed 100 yuan (US$12) to the doctor and returned home.


After a sleepless night, Haitao's father and mother rushed back to the county jail. There they asked permission to take Haitao to the hospital. The authorities replied, "We do not provide transportation. You'll have to rent your own transportation." The parents rented a pedicab. By then Haitao was not only critically ill, but his feet were still locked in leg irons that weighed several pounds. Without the strength even to walk, Haitao was lifted onto his father's back as they climbed into the pedicab. The prison doctor accompanied them as they made their way to the hospital.


On the way, the father asked his son, "Did they give you any treatment last night?" The son replied, "They only gave me a few pills." Realizing the severity of the situation, the prison doctor refunded 90 yuan to the family on the spot. After arriving at the hospital, the doctors immediately ordered Haitao hospitalized. Upon realizing what they had done, the local police belatedly scrambled to process Haitao's jail release in order to be relieved of responsibility. It was not until about 5:30 p.m. that Haitao's leg irons were finally taken off. The police handed over the jail release form and left abruptly.


Around midnight, Liu Haitao passed away. He was full of peace and joy before departing. He said, "Mom, I am very happy. This is so good. You must persevere in faith and follow the Lord to the end. I am departing ahead of you, please pray for me." He lay in his mother's arms as she prayed for him. He died as he uttered a weak yet distinct "Amen."
Liu Haitao's leg irons did not come off until about six hours before his death.


Oh, my homeland, my China of the 21st Century! My beloved homeland that proclaims, "Citizens can fully enjoy religious freedom!The Lord Jesus said on the cross, "Father! Forgive them, for they know not what they do." "Father! Into Thy hands I commit my spirit!"When Stephen was martyred, he cried to the Lord, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit." Then he fell on his knees and cried out, "Lord, do not hold this sin against them."Our Father who art in heaven, dear Lord Jesus Christ, please forgive them, for they know not what they do. Lord, please have mercy on us, have mercy on China! Lord, may your Gospel be preached throughout China. May you pour down the love that was manifested through your blood on the cross, so as to melt those cold and heavy leg irons. Indeed, melt that which is even more loveless and cold than leg irons-the human heart! Lord, have mercy on us, and save our countrymen!The following day, Haitao's parents returned home with broken hearts. They returned not with a living son, but with a body in a casket.No! Unless a seed falls into the ground and dies, it remains one seed. But if it dies, it will bring forth many seeds.There will be great revival after great persecution.


After brother Haitao was martyred, brothers and sisters held memorial services in various locations. Haitao was their example-to deny oneself, to give up the comforts of home for itinerant ministry, and to sacrifice one's life, all for the Kingdom of God. After two days of fasting and prayer, the church was greatly revived. Church leaders repented in tears before the Lord as they embraced each other and asked forgiveness for all the bickering in the past. Fasting and prayers ended in a final climactic memorial service that was held on the evening of November 16, 2000. On the wall where the memorial service was held were banners that read, "In his suffering, brother Liu did not utter one complaint. He offered his young life in proclaiming the Gospel. Remember this martyr at the turn of the century." Indeed, in order not to sell out his Christian brothers and sisters, Haitao had chosen to remain completely silent in prison. On the wall, surrounded by the banners, was mounted an enlarged photograph of Haitao.

With eyes brimming with tears during the service, they sang a song written by one of the members, titled, "Perhaps:"
Perhaps one day I will go to prison,
Perhaps one day I will go to be with my Lord,
Do not sorrow, brothers and sisters!
Do not count the injustice done to us!
Did not our Lord endure the same?
So what if we die?
As long as you and I die a meaningful death,
I may die,
But someone will rise up after me.
The Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven will never cease.

During the memorial service, the believers eulogized Haitao's life, expressing how much they cared about him, and their desire for revival:Liu Haitao's life was short but filled with eternity. His life was full of suffering yet full of hope. His life was simple yet pleasing to God! Even though he passed away, his death was different from ordinary death in meaning and significance. He lives forever in our hearts; he has everlasting life!


He suffered and gave his life for the Lord. When Haitao's father carried him for emergency medical treatment, the weighty leg irons still bound him, right up to six hours before his death. Haitao never complained. There were no final struggles with death. He left quietly and peacefully in the middle of a dark night, amidst his mother's tearful prayers. Like Jesus, in order to be faithful to his beliefs and for the sake of fulfilling his mission, he was like a lamb led to the slaughter and like a sheep that is silent before her shearer. To defend God's truth and for the sake of the tens of millions of lost souls, in patience, silence, unwavering willpower, and resolute faith, he bravely sacrificed his precious and young life. His life was a life of challenges. While others went after the riches of this world, he left them behind, denied himself, and took up the cross-facing mockery and insult with courage. While some in the church stayed silent and lived a life of self-preservation, he was willing to pay the price of being a true disciple. While some strived for status and recognition in the church, he humbly obeyed and took to training himself for the ministry. For these reasons, his fiancee left him, but he persisted in his studies. He is unknown in this world, but his name is in the book of life.


At the service, a preacher pointed out: Stephen was the first martyr after the church was established. Stephen was also a young man full of grace and power. He performed signs and wonders among the people. He was a warrior for the Truth who spoke words of wisdom and the Spirit; and yet he was stoned to death. Likewise, Haitao, for the sake of the Gospel, was also martyred by the police. Our God is especially gracious to his martyrs. After His resurrection, Christ Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father and prays for the saints. Upon seeing Stephen and Haitao, the Lord Jesus stood up to welcome them. The gates of heaven opened and the glory of the Lord was manifested to them. What glory! What blessing!


After Stephen's death, Saul was converted and became Paul (Acts 22:20). Amidst great persecution, the Great Commission was carried out from Jerusalem to Judea and Samaria (Acts 8). Haitao died, but his father, moved by God's great love, has since received Jesus Christ as his Savior. Some worry that Haitao's death will cause fear and discouragement among the believers. On the contrary! The Holy Spirit has moved the believers to action, many of whom have resolved to follow in Haitao's footsteps and to finish the mission he has left behind. Is this not the work of God?


At the service, Haitao's parents shared with everyone the numerous letters of comfort and encouragement they had received. One person wrote, ".... The Lord has taken Haitao home, today I am willing to be your son...allow me to call you Daddy...if you need me just let me know and I will immediately come by to help you." The local church also resolved to designate October 16 as a memorial day for Liu Haitao and set up a fund in his name, from which a monthly stipend of 300 yuan (US$36) will be drawn to help pay for the living expenses of Haitao's parents. Right then the believers made contributions to this fund.

At the service, everyone prayed with the preacher, "Dear heavenly Father, we still praise you with tears in our eyes. Brother Liu Haitao has fought the good fight, he has finished the race, he has kept the faith. Lord, we know there is a crown of righteousness prepared for Haitao. This crown is not just for Haitao, but also for all who follow in his footsteps. May your Spirit of consolation bring comfort to his parents. Replace their funeral garments with garments of joy. We pray for Haitao's church, for the two important church leaders who are still in prison. Please keep the believers in peace and strengthen this suffering church. May she still be firmly established on your rock after the storm. Lord, please hear our united prayer. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!"

Tears, praise, and singing never ceased throughout the memorial service. Liu Haitao may have fallen, but many others will rise up. They will follow Haitao's example of devoting themselves to itinerant ministry, sacrificing their lives for the Lord's Kingdom. Those songs, sung with tears, expressed their desire to deny themselves, take up the cross, and follow Jesus:
Since I have followed my Lord,
I will not look back;
Since I have affirmed my Lord,
I will not regret.
Though the path is difficult,
I will not complain;
Though tears fill my face,
My heart feels sweetness!
I do not serve God only in the shade,
I do not serve God only in a greenhouse,
It is in the prison cell,
It is through the valley of tears,
I must go through Marah,
To enter Elim.

The Apostle John wrote these words on the island of Patmos:Then I heard a voice from heaven say, "Write: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on." "Yes," says the Spirit, "they will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them" (Rev. 14:13).
.....I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they had maintained. They called out in a loud voice, "How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?" Then each of them was given a white robe, and they were told to wait a little longer, until the number of their fellow servants and brothers who were to be killed as they had been was completed (Rev. 6:9-11).

All over vast China, numbers upon numbers of those who had been saved by Christ Jesus took up their cross, and stood up. The blood-strewn pathway outside Jerusalem continues to extend forward....


(This article originally appeared in Christian Life Quarterly.By Xiao Ruozhi,a Christian in China.Link:


2016-06-29 04:11:55
God bless!
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