滕近輝牧師首本較完整的英文文集 “The Deeper Life: An Anthology of Sermons, Studies, and Poems”,2020年9月由韓國出版運抵宣道會北角堂、2020年10-11月份內可供肢體購買。
請於10-11月到北宣康澤接待處購買 (北角英皇道238號康澤花園一樓、砲台山地鐵上蓋、因疫情須先致電 2979-3600 確定開放時間),每本230港元(不設找贖),銷售所得將全數奉獻支持亞洲宣教協會(Asia Missions Association)事工。
About the Book
“The Deeper Life is a life that is itself healed first by the cross, and then it flows out to heal others.”
From the 1950s through the 1990s. Hong Kong-based pastor Rev. Philip Teng was a renowned international preacher, a “pastor of pastors,” who was deeply passionate about Christ and cultivating the deeper life that can be had in Christ, This he described as “a life that is itself healed first by the cross, and then it flows out to heal others.” To this end, Rev. Teng embarked on a lifelong journey to encourage, equip, and mobilize the Asian Church to step out of its historical position as “the mission field” and become active participants in fulfilling the Great Commission.