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Rev. Derek Li // Moses’ Prayer Letter 11 (20221009)
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2022-10-27 - 165觀看次數

Rev. Derek Li //  Moses’ Prayer Letter 11 (20221009)


1.  Saying Amen in Unity to the Supportive Responses

Thank you, friends and relatives from all faith backgrounds, for your care towards us. Over 10,000 friends have clicked and shared our prayer letters and we also received thousands of responses. I read each one of them carefully and we are praying for the same requests. We are praying in unity. Amen. The English version of the prayer letters will be uploaded on Facebook every Wednesday for the non-Chinese speaking friends, as they share our prayer letters home with families to join in the prayers for Moses.

2.  The Experience of the Grounded Faith

This traumatic experience has given me as a pastor and my family a better understanding of faith. Trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ is not just head knowledge, but our daily experience in Him. In going through life’s stages — being born, old age, sickness, and death — we experience the walk with our Creator and Redeemer. I am grateful for the promises and comfort from the revelation of the Bible. We had witnessed the marvellous work of God through Moses.

3.  Removal of the Cervical Collar

The cervical collar that has been worn for 10 weeks is now removed. It is two weeks ahead of the expected time. To Moses, this has been a relief and thanksgiving, and this also opens up his field of vision. His vision was able to independently shift from the ceiling of the ward to the distant view outside the window for the first time.

4.  The Thoughtfulness of Colleagues and Fans

Next week is Moses’ birthday. He can only spend this special day with his family in the hospital bed. Thank God for his dancer colleagues and fans who express their heartfelt warmth and love for him. Our family is greatly encouraged to see such love in this world.



1.  Moses’ Current Health Condition

a.  Cervical Spinal Nerves: Pray that the cervical spinal nerve edema can subside as soon as possible, so that the transmission of nerve signals will not be affected. This is essentially helpful for the progress of treatments.After

b.  Removing the Cervical Collar: In the process of the treatments, pray that his neck and shoulder muscles can be strengthened to support the weight of his head and cervical spine.

c.  Eating: Moses has generally grasped the way of swallowing and with food rarely entering the wrong place. He still cannot eat solid food; he can only eat blended vegetables and porridge. Pray for healthy digestion.

d.  Next Focus on Treatment - Removal of Tracheostomy

Pray that Moses’ respiratory function can return to normal with spontaneous coughing, and can spit out phlegm, so that the tracheostomy removal can take place and receive more intensive treatments. He will proceed to another stage of rehabilitation. Right now he still experiences occasional mild fever that can interfere with tracheostomy removal.

2.  Moses’ Parents

a.  Adaptation After Returning to Hong Kong

In the past two months, Mo's parents' health and mental well-being have fluctuated due to various adaptations related to Moses' progress. Besides the transition of life, parents need to mince meat and cook the porridge base for Moses and So Ching several times a week. Mo’s father lost a lot of weight. Please pray for the parents’ well-being.

b.  Walking Together in Encouragement for Moses

Next week is Moses’ 28th birthday (12th October). Despite the crowdedness, mom and dad went to one of the billboards dedicated to Moses to film a video to congratulate and encourage Moses. Moses was deeply moved in response to the video and said, “Mom and Dad, I love you.”

Moses, we hope you can move forward courageously and place your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Authorized by Rev. Li for posting

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