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主內教會機構用戶條款 Terms and Conditions for Church/Organization Users
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2018-02-08 - 764觀看次數

1.     本網站提供所有正統基督信仰教會機構免費e-Land,由機構安排人員進行管理。

2.     機構有責任提供正確和必要之資料予網站方。機構有責任在e-Land提供正確和必要之資料予公眾瀏覽。

3.     機構有資料更新時需及時在網站更新和知會網站方。

4.     機構e-Land 在網站不得提供侵犯他人知識產權之資料。網站方若經他人投訴該機構有侵權行為,網站方有權利要求其及時撤回相關資料及做其他善後處理。若不聽從所提供之服務將會被停止。

5.     未得機構同意網站方不會將該機構的資料出賣給其他第三方;但相關資料可在合宜隱私保護條件下供本網站的事工推廣、宣傳使用。

6.     網站方另行制定合乎基督教道德倫理的網絡內容規範(包括網絡時代基督徒知識產權保護之建議和規則),機構方所提供的一切內容將受該條款所規範。

7.     所有機構先自行在本網站上註冊、使用e-Land,惟權限有一定限制,並在其e-Land首頁和賬戶資料上註明『驗證中』,若機構提供足夠資料並通過驗證後,使用權限將得擴展。

8.     本網站不在任何機構的e-Land上提供任何形式的廣告;只會在公開區域劃定特別板塊予以有宣傳推廣需要的用戶以合宜方式發放資料。

9.     網站方將對任何假冒其他機構之行為主體予以必要的公示和嚴肅處理。

10.  本網站會定期出版全部機構/教會名錄類出版物,自行或與其他主內機構出版發行。出版前將知會各機構,若未按時收到反對被納入名錄的,將視為同意。若有更新資料,需及時提供。

11.  以上條款之解釋權歸哈利路亞國際事工有限公司;各機構可提供條款修改建議,本網站將在廣泛收集反饋之後,適時作出修改;若有任何條款之更新或修改,本網站將及時知會各機構,以使機構自行決定是否繼續使用本網站提供之服務。

12.  此使用條款不斷更新中,歡迎會員提出寶貴修改意見。





1. 主內肢體個人用戶條款 Terms and Conditions for Christian Personal e-Land Users

2. 基督教公眾人物用戶條款 Terms and Conditions for Christian Public Figure Users


Terms and Conditions for Church/Organization Users

1.This website provides “e-Land” for Christian Church Organizations without any charges. Church user should assign manpower to manage the e-Land booth.

2. Churches should submit correct and necessary information to the Website Provider, and allow the Public to view their information in the Website.

3. All Churches Organization members should update their information in the website and notify the Website Provider as soon as there is any change in their organization.

4. All Churches Organization members should note provide information that infringe the Intelligent Properties of others. Website provider has the right to request all users to withdraw information and duly handled the infringed information in case I.P. Infringement is reported, and Website Provider has the absolute right to stop such information if the offender does not comply with the Website provider’s request.

5. Without the consent of the member user, Website Provider should not disclose its members’ information to any third party. However, under the compliance of the Personal Data (Privacy) Law of Hong Kong, the S.A.R. of PRC, Website Provider can adopt these information in promotion and advertisement of the ministry works of the website.

6. The website provider has a specify set of Code of Best Practice for Christian Norms and Website Practice both in the Content and Behavior, all members should comply with this set of Code of Best Practice.

7. All church organization can register in our website by themselves, and start their e-Land at a primary level of authority. They are allowed to denote a “Certified” marking in the e-Land home page and account information. Yet, their level of authority would only be upgraded after they have submitted to sufficient information which could be verified by the Website Provider.

8. The Website Provider will not make any advertisement in the Church Organizations’ e-Land. However, advertisement for users would be allowed and issued under appropriate arrangement and method in the designated pages/public area of the website.

9.  The Website Provider will Disclose to the Public all falsified Church Organization Behavior and handle such misbehavior with strict and severity.

10.  The Website Provider will regularly issue periodical of Organizations and Churches Information on its own or co-work with other organization in Christ. Notices will be sent to all organizations before the disclosure. We would regard the Organization agrees with our Information Disclosure if no objection from the Organization is received before our disclosure. We invite all church organization to furnish the Website Provider in time with the most update information as soon as possible.

11. Alayluya International Ministry Limited has the absolute explanatory and interpretation right of all the Terms and Conditions listed above. Comments and suggestions are welcomed. Our website will evaluate all responses and feedback, and we would update our members with our latest our Terms and Conditions when there is any change. All Church Organization has its own decisive right to determine whether to continue using our service or not.

12. The above terms and conditions is keeping udating, welcome Alayluya members provide valuable suggestions so to improve.

Alayluya International Ministry Ltd.


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